Our Story
During the COVID-19 outbreak, like many of you, we were exposed to the living conditions in nursing homes - from media outlets, loved ones, and firsthand sources. We were devastated.
And so, Our Care Team was created, with the mission to change the way senior care is facilitated & managed.
STL Care aims to fill the need of Companion Care for those not ready for big changes in their lives, by allowing our members (you!), to choose a reliable and qualified Companion Provider, on demand, through unmatched service and easy to use technology!
We look forward to serving the St. Louis community for years to come, and the opportunity to assist you or your loved ones. Feel free to shoot us an email to email@stlcare.io - we would love to hear from you!

Alex Freund was born and raised in St. Louis, and graduated from the Eller College of Management, at the University of Arizona.
Alex is excited to make an impact on senior care living in St. Louis. He firmly believes that by connecting intuitive technology, trustworthy providers, and an outstanding team, that senior care can change for the better!
If you want to reach out to Alex, you can email him directly, at alex@stlcare.io

Morgan Clark lives in the suburbs of St. Louis with her husband Andrew, son Henry, and two black labs Carter and Chief.
Today she oversees Marketing and Technology for STL Care, and our sister company, STL Sitter.
Her ultimate goal is to develop technology that meets the needs of the evolving care industry by pairing it with an unparalleled approach to service, and making these resources widely available to all.
Morgan would love to hear from you!
For questions or collaborations, you can reach her directly at morgan@stlsitter.com

Andrew spent five years in the financial services industry - working with both corporations and individuals to skillfully create financial solutions. His experience working with a wide range of clientele prepared him for the challenges of operating, and scaling, care based services.
Andrew is excited for this new opportunity to serve the community and grow the business.
For questions and inquires, email Andrew at andrew@stlsitter.com